School of Engineering


Land Surveying

Land Surveying deals with the field of Geomatics that focuses on the acquisition, processing, management, presentation, and dissemination of information about the earth and features with a fixed location on the earth’s surface.


Bachelor of Science Engineering (Land Surveying)

The Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying is a four-year, honours-equivalent, professional Bachelors degree. It is accredited towards registration as a professional land surveyor. It also covers closely related areas such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Land Information Systems (LIS), and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).

  • The 1st year of study involves mainly foundation courses common to engineering students (maths, applied maths and physics). Students also acquire basic Geomatics and computing skills.
  • During the 2nd and 3rd years, students deepen their skills in geomatics, land rights and town planning so that they are able to tackle a wide variety of engineering, administrative and property law tasks. 
  • The 4th year focuses on management and professional skills and on the preparation and presentation of individually chosen research projects.
  • During the vacations most of our students work in the geomatics industry, acquiring practical skills and acquainting themselves with opportunities and personalities that will help them after graduation.
  • Entry requirements:

    NSC degree pass with Maths and Physical Science Level 5 (65%), English and Life Orientation Level 4 (50%) and three other subjects from the designated list

  • Application Performance Score (APS) range:

    33 - 48


CASSE is an Alternative Access and Academic Support Programme that caters for prospective students whose academic potential was not realised due to a disadvantaged educational background.

  • Entry requirements:

    NSC degree pass with Maths, English, Life Orientation and Physical Science Level 4 (50%)

  • Application Performance Score (APS) range:

    26 - 48

How to Apply

All first-time South African applicants to UKZN for entry into degree/ diploma study (Grade 12s and undergraduate transfer students from other institutions) must apply via the Central Applications Office (CAO).

Master of Science in Engineering

At the postgraduate level, students can specialise in their field by studying for a Master of Science (MSc) degree. Generally, students will use this degree to expand on their undergraduate studies and develop a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of their chosen discipline.

Doctor of Philosophy

A Doctor of Philosophy programme is offered where students engage in novel research supervised by academic members of staff. This is typically three years of fulltime study and normally follows on from a Master of Science Degree.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted to our College office. Visit the College website to see the steps to follow, download the application pack/ forms and access the link to apply online.


Research Areas

We are a research-led institution, producing knowledge for the rapidly-changing and information-rich world.

Research Groups

We have a number of research groups that specialise in areas of research in Land Surveying. 

Student dissertations

UKZN Research Space was developed to increase the visibility, availability and impact of tour students’ research output.

Academic staff

Picture of Prof Mohamed Mostafa

Prof Mohamed Mostafa

Academic Leader: Land Surveying | 031 260 3709

View profile
Picture of Dr Mulemwa Akombelwa

Dr Mulemwa Akombelwa

Programme Co-ordinator: Land Surveying | 031 260 7556

View profile


  • Main Computer LAN
  • 4th Year Design Studio
  • Masters Studio
  • PhD Studio
  • Geomatics Research Studio

Contact us

Mr Cyprian Anele Nzimakwe

Physical Address

Centenary building,
Howard College,
University of KwaZulu-Natal

Mazisi Kunene Road,
Glenwood, Durban,